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This Monday, Yang and I went to a panel hosted by Roger Martin from Rotman School of Management. It was a panel joined by Udaya Patnaik of Jump Associates, Diego Rodriguez from Stanford d.school, and former IDEO Gentry Underwood of Orchestra. Also on the panel was Hilary Austen of Rotman, whose book "Artistry Unleashed" everyone received that night.
The term design thinking did not come up very often, but I think the ideas are basically the same thing. The audience was mostly from business disciplines that night -- sprinkled with some designers and artists (by broad definition) that inspired Hilary so much to write the book.
We were able to schedule a short interview with Martin himself, a very generous early morning hour in Palo Alto.
Roger Martin is famous for bringing design thinking in to business school -- which means business
and business education.
Because of his tight schedule, we did shooting in the hotel. Finding a quiet corner was not easy!
The interview was a success, rich ideas and interesting discussions -- besides the bangs coming from hotel staff's morning duties! But they were very nice to accommodate our needs.
A documentary couldn't be done without the help of everyone surrounding you!
星期一Yang和我去聽了一場座談會,由多倫多大學的羅特曼管理學院院長,羅傑馬丁(Roger Martin)所主持。
當晚來聽座談的,大多是透過管理學院得到的訊息,所以商業人士居多,其他藝術家、設計師、等等的,點綴其中,是Hilary Austen口中給了他許多靈感寫這本書的創意思考者。
Hilary Austen也來自羅特曼管理學院,當晚來聽座談的大家都拿到了一本她所著的「Artistry Unleashed」。
受訪者除了Hilary Austen,還有顧問公司Jump Associate的Udaya Patnaik、IDEO及史丹佛d.school教授Diego Rodriguez、及前IDEO的創業家Gentry Underwood。
Artistry Unleashed這本書,以質化和量化的對立做出發點,拿傳統的企業作法和創意工作者做比較,指出不論領域職稱,能安然面對抽象問題、能夠並重專精和創意的,在某些程度上都有artist的本質,因此呼籲訓練過度的商業人才,要好好跟這些思考方式不同的人學習一下。
其實是用種不同的語言在說design thinking這個思潮背後的變化。在這裡要以design thinking名之,好像太強硬一點了喔!
不過Roger Martin是商學院中知名的design thinking提倡者,於是我們成功跟他約了一場小訪問。