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在Hugh Dubberly 先生介紹下認識了Paul Pangaro,他認為Design Thinking很棒,但是它的階段性任務應該已經了了,要更進一步運用「對話」的方式讓這個思維更進一步,同時也要把Design Thinking的限制說明白、講清楚。
Paul是一個很優雅的老師,非常開心的接受了我送的舊金山Blue Bottle咖啡,知道我們愛咖啡,我們一進門拜訪後,就不停的送上好咖啡跟好茶,還讓我帶走這個好茶Marco Polo Tea。
We met Paul Pangaro through Mr. Hugh Dubberly. Paul Pangaro believes Design Thinking is a great idea but it has already completed it's short-term mission. The concept should make progress by using "conversation" and also clearly explain the restriction of Design Thinking.
Paul is an elegant teacher. He happily accepted my San Francisco Blue Bottle coffee as a gift. Because Paul knew we love coffee, he kept offering us great tea and coffee. He even had me take some Marco Polo Tea home after the interview.